When an individual counselor determines that medication may be helpful in addition to counseling and psychotherapy, the student can be referred to a CAPS staff psychiatrist to provide consultation regarding potentially useful medications and appropriate follow-up treatment.
How do I make an appointment with a CAPS staff psychiatrist?
Students must first meet with a staff clinician for a therapy intake session. Intake appointments can be scheduled after you visit CAPS for a brief screening. See Beginning Treatment to start the process as soon as possible as it may take several weeks to establish care with a CAPS staff psychiatrist.
How do I transfer my care to a CAPS staff psychiatrist?
If you are already taking psychiatric medications prescribed by an off-campus provider, you must first meet with a staff clinician for a therapy intake prior to being referred to psychiatry. It may take several weeks before a psychiatry intake can be scheduled at CAPS. See the Beginning Treatment page to start the process as soon as possible.
What if I’m running out of my medication and need an urgent refill?
If you need a prescription refill prior to your psychiatry intake appointment, consult with your current prescribing provider for additional refills to cover you until CAPS can assume your care.
What if I have a psychiatric emergency?
Go to your nearest hospital emergency room, urgent care center, or call 911 for assistance.
What if I want to see a psychiatrist off-campus?
Students with UC SHIP may visit CAPS to request a mental health referral to seek an Anthem-SHIP provider in the community. Visit UC SHIP Mental Health Benefits for more details. Students with private health insurance may download the Guide to Finding a Mental Health Provider Using Your Private Insurance or visit CAPS for further assistance.
For information about The Bruin Health Pharmacy