To initiate any CAPS services, you must first speak with a Triage Clinician over the phone by following these steps:

Triage Hours:
Monday - Thursday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

  1. Call 310-825-0768
  2. You will receive a same-day triage assessment through a telehealth appointment
  3. Your triage clinician will assess your needs and discuss treatment options with you

24/7 crisis support is always available by phone at 310-825-0768

All registered UCLA student are eligible for same-day clinical consultation and help with referrals, linkage, treatment recommendations, and coordination of mental health care and support regardless of insurance plan or current residence. Due to state law and California Board of Psychology and Board of Behavioral Sciences restrictions, students who are not currently in CAPS are, and are out of the state or country, are eligible only for clinical coordination and referral to a provider in their local area based on student insurance plans.

How to Prepare for your Triage Assessment

  1. Find a time: Make sure you have a private space for about 45 minutes to an hour for the initial triage appointment noted above.
  2. Schedule a call: Once you call our main line, a front desk staff member will request a call back number for your appointment and will help you schedule your triage appointment.
  3. Complete forms: After your appointment is scheduled, please sign into your Ashe Patient Portal to complete the Questionnaire and CCAPS-34, and review and acknowledge all confidentiality and consent policies:
    • Under the "Forms" tab, please read and acknowledge all forms pertaining to CAPS:
      • Counseling and Psychological Services Privacy Practices (required to be seen at CAPS)
      • Counseling and Psychological Services Telehealth Consent Form (required for CAPS Telehealth visit)
      • Ashe Center and CAPS Patient Portal Terms (required)
      • Counseling and Psychological Services Informed Consent 2017 (required to be seen at CAPS)
      • Counseling and Psychological Services IRB Informed Consent (required to be seen at CAPS)
    • Complete Questionnaire & Survey:
      • Under the "Appointments" tab, click on "Complete Questionnaire"
      • Under the "Survey Forms" tab, click on the "CCAPS-34" link and complete the survey
  4. Talk to a clinician: Once all forms have been completed, a Triage Clinician will review your paperwork and then call you from a blocked number to conduct the triage assessment.

Eligibility and fees are determined by the student's current enrollment status and insurance plans. Ask your triage clinician about what services are offered in-person versus telehealth at CAPS.

Visit Eligibility and Fees for further details.

Visit UC SHIP Mental Health Benefits for further details about UC SHIP insurance coverage.

Scheduling Follow-up Appointments

Appointment Hours:
Monday - Thursday 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Already connected to a provider? To schedule a follow up appointment, call our front desk staff at 310-825-0768 or contact your provider directly via a secure message through your Ashe Patient Portal.

Students who have had CAPS services in the past, but have not had an appointment in more than a quarter should also reinitiate treatment by calling for a triage appointment as well.

Private Spaces Available for CAPS Telephone or Zoom Appointments Only

CAPS has options within the CAPS building which you can reserve for only your CAPS triage assessment, individual therapy, group therapy, and psychiatry appointments. Please call 310-825-0768 to speak with one of our front desk staff members about how to reserve a space.